Hi, 各位,今天这个公众号被赋予了“原创功能“和“打赏功能”,这让我很开心。但是长久以来我所推送的文章,都是直接抄袭自一些外国网站,如果这样下去,实在愧对微信对我的“厚爱”;而且平日里也有关注者希望我把翻译写的详细一点。综述两点,我觉得我是应该抛弃掉之前那种粗制滥造的做法,但是因为本人是一个程序员,平日还是比较繁忙的,无暇每天花很多时间来逐句翻译,所以我写了个逐句翻译的小网站,替代我做这件事情:






Amazon is looking into allowing shoppers to pay with a selfie.亚马逊正在考虑允许顾客付一张。The online retailer has filed a patent application for the technology, saying it is more secure and less “awkward” than traditional passwords.在线零售商已经申请了该技术的专利申请,说它更安全,更不“尴尬”比传统的密码。Customers would be able to take a picture or a short video of themselves to authenticate payments, instead of typing in a password.客户可以采取一个图片或一个简短的视频来验证付款,而不是输入的密码。Amazon's facial recognition system would ensure it's the actual customer — and not hackers, thieves or kids using their parents' devices — who is making the purchase.亚马逊的面部识别系统将确保它的实际客户-而不是黑客,小偷或孩子使用他们的父母的设备-谁是使购买。

The process would replace passwords in the same way a thumbprint replaces putting in a PIN code on an iPhone and other devices.这个过程将取代以同样的方式把指纹代替PIN码在iPhone和其他设备的密码。To double check that the image is a legitimate selfie of a living human being (instead of a scan of previously taken photo), the system would also require users to blink, smile or tilt their head when taking their picture.仔细检查,图像是一个活生生的人(而不是一个合法的selfie扫描之前采取的照片),系统会要求用户眨眼、微笑或倾斜以他们的照片时,他们的头。

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