

沙特阿拉伯王国(英语:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,阿拉伯语: مملكة عربية سعودية),通称沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia,台湾译为沙乌地阿拉伯),简称沙特。

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (English: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arabic: مملكة عربية سعودية), commonly known as Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia, translated into Saudi Arabia), referred to as Saudi Arabia.



沙特的国家主权及基础来源于其宽容的信念, 它一直努力巩固与友好国家之间相互尊重的原则阿拉伯文字,不干涉别国事务。沙中关系正在高速、逐步地展开,在各方面通力合作,签署备忘录,为两国的发展以及为两国的人民谋规划、谋福利。两国关系迄今已有七十五年之久,开启了包括各个方面的合作与发展,无论是简单的贸易经商领域阿拉伯文字,还是接待中国朝觐人员与经贸团体等。一九九零年两国同意建立正式的、全面的外交关系,并相互派驻大使,组织政治、经济、青年之间的各种会谈。沙特与中国的关系有巨大的特点, 这一点已在加强两国之间的合作方面得到了积极的反映,共同签订和履行多个合作意向和协定,为适应世界新时期的发展而共同协作和前进。

Saudi Arabia’s national sovereignty and foundation are derived from its belief in tolerance。 It has been striving to consolidate the principle of mutual respect with friendly countries and not to interfere in other countries’ affairs。 The relations between Saudi Arabia and China are being carried out at a high speed and gradually, and they have cooperated in various fields and signed a memorandum to plan for the development of the two countries and for the people of the two countries to seek welfare。

The relationship between the two countries has been seventy-five years old, and it has opened up cooperation and development in all aspects, from simple trade and business to receiving Chinese pilgrims and economic and trade groups。 In 1990, the two countries agreed to establish formal and comprehensive diplomatic relations, and sent ambassadors to each other to organize various talks between politics, economy and youth。 The relationship between Saudi Arabia and China has tremendous characteristics。

This has been positively reflected in strengthening cooperation between the two countries。 It has signed and fulfilled many cooperation intentions and agreements, and has worked together and advanced in order to adapt to the development of the new world。 。





——萨勒曼•本•阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹 国王

“Our two countries have deepened their strategic relationship on these good principles,

It will greatly promote the improvement and development of bilateral relations. ”

– King Salman bin Abdul Azi




With the growing relationship between the two countries, our company has ushered in a new project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – the government project of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – stainless steel text.



利好的背景(Good background):


[Foreign Trade] Implement free trade and low tariff policies. Exports are dominated by petroleum and petroleum products, accounting for about 90% of total exports, and exports of petrochemicals and some industrial products are gradually increasing. Imports are mainly consumer goods and chemical products such as machinery and equipment, food, textiles. The main trading partners are the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, India, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Italy and so on. Due to the large amount of oil exported, Saudi Arabia’s foreign trade has a long-term surplus. Under such a favorable background, we are confident that our company will have more and more projects in Saudi Arabia, and we will treat each of our customers with the best service.





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